SCP:SL Scientist

  • 4vCPU - R9 5900x
  • 8GB - DDR4 3200 MHz
  • 10GB - NVMe
  • Weryfikacja serwera

Custom Options

Customize your service options for your package

Where do you want us to deploy your server?
Set to "none" for no beta. For betas with passwords add "-betapassword" and add the password afterwards.
Installs the latest EXILED release.
Allows you to install the latest Pre-Release of EXILED. To install a specific version replace the true/false with the EXILED version number.
The EXILED updater sometimes causes problems with pterodactyl, this will automatically remove it if you want it to.
You can learn how to use this feature by looking at:
This is used to authenticate GitHub requests so you aren't rate-limited. You do not need to use this unless you are using custom plugin install and have enough plugins to where you could make more than 60 requests in an hour. See here for more info:
This is used to authenticate GitHub requests so you aren't rate-limited. You do not need to use this unless you are using custom plugin install and have enough plugins to where you could make more than 60 requests in an hour. See here for more info:
This will install the Discord Integration Bot and Plugin. This will only work with EXILED.
This will install the SCP Discord Bot and Plugin. This will use the NWApi, which can work with EXILED.

Payment method

Select the desired Payment method

Custom notes

You can include any special requests or things we should know.

Order Summary


Monthly 39.99

Setup fee 0.00

Discount -zł0.00

Due today


Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?